
GP Mahan and the broken Ghee Bottle

Sometimes during the 1970's, Mahan was conducting a satsang at the sabhai at New Washermenpet when suddenly he announced that one sincere disciple (Guru Santhanam-father of advocate Guru Bharathi] was hurrying to come to the sabhai. Sure enough a few minutes later Guru Santhanam turned up with a bag full of newly harvested rice and with a bottle of freshly brewed Ghee inside. After paying respects to Mahan Guru S went behind to hand over the bag to Mahans family. Guru S returned and sat in front of Mahan. Mahan asked Guru if he realized that the GHEE bottle was broken and the ghee was splattered all over the rice. Guru S was confident that it cannot be as he had brought it very carefully. The bag was brought to the front and opened and indeed all the rice was soggy with the ghee. Such was Mahans insight. Santhosham.